Australian White Beer

The Mad Brewers are a bunch of bold Aussie larrikins but when it comes to their craft these blokes are dedicated to creating distinctive and innovative beers with that personal touch


Chuck Hahn, Director and Brewmaster of the Malt Shovel Brewery



The Malt Shovel Brewery (MSB) has grown another arm called "The Mad Brewers". This new splinter group are said to be "craftsmen, the fundamentalists of beer and encompass the passion and dedication involved in creating truly individual brews that true 'beer heads' like to drink and savour." These brewers have produced a new Australian white beer called, wait for it, Australian White Beer. The full and heady beer is said to be brewed using the purest Camperdown water, fresh wheat, extremely pale malt and Willamette hops, giving a naturally cloudy appearance and creamy head. There is a tart finish, with hints of orange and coriander on the palate. This beer can be said to be brut beer (dry/tart beer) beer or a brute of a beer. Be careful not to shake this beer up as you soon find that you have a glass full of head! If you like this beer check out Hahn's Witbier from the same brewers.

Australian White Beer (5.0% alc) 


Australian White Beer in all its glory

Food for Thought:

This beer is will suit fresh summer dishes best. Light seafood meals such as mussels with lemon and garlic, prawn or octopus salad will combine well with White Beer's zesty spicy dryness. Chicken salad, platters of cold cuts, antipasto, lightly seasoned flake with tossed salads and vinaigrette are also a flavoursome combination with this Australian White Beer. As we say at, there are no rules to enjoying your beer and this tart beer would also be a great winter accompaniment to a spicy hot korma or a warm Thai salad.


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